PEER North Conference

Schedule Details
2024 conference

Thursday Sept. 19, 2024

Click the plus symbol for more information.  Note: Learning Objective will follow later this month.

9:00 - 17:00 ACLS (BLS recert, arrive 8am)

Advanced Medical Solutions (AMS) Team

9:00 - 17:00 PALS (BLS recert, arrive 8am)

Advanced Medical Solutions (AMS) Team

8:30 - 12:00 Wilderness Medicine Workshop Session 1

Katherine Breen, Eric McNair-Landry

13:30 - 17:00 Wilderness Medicine Workshop Session 2

Katherine Breen, Eric McNair-Landry

17:30 - 20:30 Evidence Based Medicine Workshop: Excellent or Excrement: Guide to Sorting Out Research Claims

PEER Team: Jessica Kirkwood, Danielle Perry, Adrienne Lindblad, Betsy Thomas

Friday Sept. 20, 2024


8:30 - Opening Remarks & Welcome

Dene Drummers

9:00 - On the Land Teachings

Elders and Knowledge Keepers: Lila Fraser Erasmus (Organiser), Felix Lockhart (Stanton Territorial Hospital Cultural Advisor), Rassi Nashalik (Inuit lead), Alice Abel, Harriet Paul, Berna Martin, Rosa Mantla, Paul Andrew, Karen Wright-Fraser

11:30 - LUNCH

12:30 - Introductions

Northwest Territories Medical Association, PEER Team, Practice NWT

12:40 - What’s New, What’s True, What’s Poo

Tina Korowynk & Danielle Perry

13:00 - TB or Not TB, That is the Question: Management of Tuberculosis in Primary Care

Sarah Lesperance

13:20 - PEER 2024 Simplified Lipid Guildeline

Adrienne Lindblad & Michael Kolber

13:50 - Q & A

14:10 - Break/Refreshment

14:30 - To Operate or Not to Operate: The Surgeon's Internal Debate

Danielle Stachiw

14:50 - The Inside Scoop: An Update on General Surgery for Primary Care

Jake Vermaak

15:10 - Urine Trouble: Navigating UTIs for Primary Care

Betsy Thomas & Jessica Kirkwood

15:30 - Q & A / Closing Remarks

18:00 - Dinner: Friday Night Social, BBQ & Boats

16:30 doors open at the Garden: 3505 McDonald Drive. Sponsored by Practice NWT

Saturday Sept. 21, 2024

08:00 - Breakfast

08:40 - From Diapers to Data: Unveiling New Insights in Pediatric Care

Bridget Gibson

09:00 - Mindful Medicine: Pearls of Wisdom for Primary Care Mental Health

Dorothy Kuk

09:20 - Q & A

09:40 - Break/Refreshment

10:00 - Beyond Storks and Cell Service: Delivery in Remote Communities

Lesley Paulette

10:20 - The Final Prescription: Exploring the World of MAID through a Northern Lens

Sally MacDonald

10:40 - The Great Escape: Preparing Patients for Transfer

Kara Livy

11:00 - Q & A

11:20 - Lunch

12:30 - Mike Allan Presentation

13:00 - Life After Trauma: The Primary Care Approach to PTSD

Dorothy Kuk

13:20 - Clinical Event Debriefing

Hannah Shoichet

13:40 - Q & A

14:00 - Break/Refreshment

14:20 - The HCV Handbook: Primary Care Guide to Hepatitis C

Jessica Kirkwood

14:40 - The PEER Team: Choose your Briefs

Jessica Kirkwood, Tina Korownyk, Michael Kolber

15:00 - Q & A

15:20 - Closing Remarks

NWTMA & Practice NWT